Veggie stock.


Vegetable Stock

Very rarely do you have the exact same items on hand to make a vegetable stock, sometimes one has a mountain of fennel tops, other times an overabundance of celery ends.

The important thing is to use what is available, but flavor the broth with the same spices each time.
I find due to the amount of prancing, slicing and tossing of items in to pots that Rossini works best for this one.
The first thing is to get a large stock pot to which you will add your fixins. A splash of neutral oil and a low flame.
    Then make your way around the kitchen, selecting leftovers that others are prepping. Parsley stems? Great! Leek Tops – even better.
I generally always have on hand – Parsley Stems, Terragon stalks, chevril stems, Leek tops, Fennel stalks, Celery stalks, Carrots, Onions (yellow and red), and garlic.
Roughly chop all these characters and throw them in the not hot oil. Let the leeks wilt and the onions sweat, give a good browning.
Now is the time for herbs and spices, accepting the stems that are already in there of course. Sprigs of thyme are essential, as are bay leaves.  Since this stock is designed for body (it is, after all, not broth), I like to put earthy flavors, ala renaissance, as they say. It’s an old trick, so old it fell out of favor as we put more spice, more fresh into our soups. A dash of nutmeg, a few cloves, not just for christmas or the 16th century kitchen. Nutmeg ads an essential depth, while staying in the background, if you use the appropriate tiny amount.
All this is beginning to get hot, and smell roasted, so add the water, bring to a boil and simmer for a mere 25 minutes.

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