Late Impressionism

The aim, beyond the enjoyment of pairing, is to stand and look at the work for the duration of an entire song, as opposed to the 1 minute generally given.

Cloud Rap and Late Impressionism work pretty well together, and the premise is hilarious.

Room 821. Monet – The Stroller

Monet - the stroller

This woman swaggin through the garden.

Room 827. Lerolle – The Organ Recital 

This is just a detail from a massive piece. The singer.
lerolle - the organ recital detail

Similarly this is a detail from behind her. Included because you should take notice that that guy is checking out her booty.

Lerolle - the organ recital detail 2

Lerolle will never feature on anyones list of best artists. The piece is technically skilled and beautiful to look at but Lerolle was primarily a collector and gallery owner known now more his friendship with Renoir than anything else. The woman’s hat and the way her face is posed is done in a typically Renoir fashion, but rendered with more detail in a much less avant-garde style. 

While the piece is large there isn’t much to it and Moondog’s track All is Loneliness comes in at less than 2 minutes but gives the painting a much more morose feeling.

Room 821. Renoir – Nini in the Garden

Renoir - Nini in the garden

renoir - nini in the garden detail

Room 824. Renoir – In the Meadow

Detail below. This is Flatbush Zombies, who could not be more different than 2 girls in a meadow. They are both, however, surrounded by grass.

renoir - the medow

Van Gough – Women Picking Olives deserved it’s own page. 


Room 819. Monet – Water Lilies (various)

Monet painted water lilies throughout his whole career, and they should be viewed not as separate works but as a series chronicling his decent into blindness. Just as we can hear Beethoven’s hearing start to go as the intensity of his music grows so do Monet’s colors start to red shift. There has been no better documentation or interpretation of blindness.
Starting crisp and true to life and ending in a swirl of blues and violets, with almost all trace of the lilies gone.





This is assuming you are in the actual museum. Boris – Flood. I have done the entire album of Flood, as it is really just one song, but that is probably a bit too long even for the most ardent fan of Monet and Boris. Flood has dynamics – in part I Wata’s reverb gives this murky, swimming, almost watery sound of a repeated theme that goes on for so long to anchor the song in a key and rhythm. II and III are the peaks of the album, before it sinks back down into the theme from Part I.


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