Lauren Semivan: Observatory at the Bonni Bonrubi Gallery. Sept. 18th – Oct. 26th 2013

Originally published in Musee Magazine

This Wednesday as part of the Fuller Building’s evening of photography The Bonni Bonrubi Gallery opened a show of Lauren Semivan, entitled:Observatory.

The work was ghost like. Gossamer threads of a cape or hanging object give an eerie quality to her work. The work was all shot in the same location; Semivan keeps a constantly changing instillation space in her studio. She is based in Detroit and this marks her first New York solo show. The curator had a job on their hands, the work is from the past 3 years, and it’s nice to see a cohesive dialogue.


The pictures flow naturally from one to the other, and the observant viewer can see hints that it’s the same space with the same subject. However, I don’t want to give the impression that the exhibit is macabre or creepy; it is intimate in an unusual way, and if you look past the blue tint and gossamer like strings you see kinetic shapes and the eye of a good photographer, and an interesting instillation artist.


Review by John Hutt

Photographs by Lauren Semivan/ Mar Pérez

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